View Full Version : Cartoondoge! The next 1000X!

2022-02-04, 09:44 AM
Cartoon Doge (https://www.cartoondoge.com/)

https://static.wixstatic.com/media/baa1ed_9df02339627d41dbba3d857aa0e7e31e~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_161,w_2550,h_2979/fill/w_238,h_278,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/Cartoon%20Doge%20Logo.webp (https://www.cartoondoge.com/)

Cartoondoge! The next 1000X!

Cartoondoge is a token that will be launching a one-of-a-kind Next-Gen NFT Auction House with exclusive artists and limited edition NFTs!

Cartoondoge started with a 100 MC and blew up to 1 million MC in less than 1 month! buybacks and rewards when buying! buying 0.5 bnb worth of CARTD we will send you $50 CARTD and 1 bnb worth of CARTD we will spend $100 CARTD! max buy is 3 BNB! Buy on pancakeswap.finance or poocoin.app

Website: Home | CartoonDoge (https://www.cartoondoge.com/)

TELEGRAM: Telegram: Contact @CartoonDogeOfficialChat (https://t.me/CartoonDogeOfficialChat)