View Full Version : Fren, a social token leveraging on defi

2022-02-06, 09:11 AM
FREN (https://www.hellofren.io/) A SOCIAL TOKEN LEVERAGING ON DEFI

https://www.platinumcryptoacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/FREN-A-SOCIAL-TOKEN-LEVERAGING-ON-DEFI.jpg (https://www.platinumcryptoacademy.com/cryptocurrency-investment/fren-a-social-token-leveraging-on-defi/)

Fren tokens are the native tokens on the Fren platform and can be purchased from exchanges such as Polonies, BKEX, dextools.io and Uniswap. You’ll need to sign up on these exchanges so you can create orders from there if you want to purchase these tokens. You will get automatically enlisted into the Fren community once you have the tokens.

#Fren #DeFi #Polonies #Uniswap #NFT #FrenDao #Frendex #Ethereum #BTC #MetaMask #CryptonaireWeekly #platinumcryptoacademy

https://cdn0.iconfinder.com/data/icons/simpline-mix/64/simpline_47-128.png (https://www.platinumcryptoacademy.com/cryptocurrency-investment/fren-a-social-token-leveraging-on-defi/)