View Full Version : [ANN] [AGD] [ARGEAD] Yesterday's Cash, Tomorrow's Crypto

2022-04-03, 06:34 AM
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh_z09RyirLQxBdXF5bhpEl70iXBINWf9HPLO3UXl3yBZ pal0Gs2Uuz77aw9Bok7Usw1Ko9PX8AAlcSDpKKCF8o9eifbgDA kd4wArWf1n0rVkDc6xkrcVV2J-Mhz1hzsVFdFQn3i8gQgwgJOK2PD5jbiCakA155SenxnU-t-1rMYRco_jHbjmC6dwY/w640-h292/1.jpg (https://argead.network/)

What is Argead?

It's finally here! We are very happy to present to the world our brainchild - Argead! As a team with backgrounds in construction, communication technology and education, we noticed that something was missing! Or at least that something could be made far easier about the ways in which the online trade sector, one of the most important in the world’s economy, handles business.

How can Argead help?

The FIAT system is fast becoming redundant and cryptocurrencies offer a way to implement a more efficient payment and reward system that frees this sector from the centralised control of banks. Argead has been produced with a view to enable consumers and businesses to spend and make cryptocurrency through applications that serve to connect people in the exchange of relevant goods and services.

Our aim

The aim of Argead is to bridge the gap between cash and crypto in the online trade sector so that it can have real-world benefits. Our mission is to create an application allowing trades and services to be booked, completed and paid for quickly and securely.

Our vision

Coins will be safely stored in the system ensuring the easy and safe transaction of funds for goods and services and can be used to make payments and generate rewards to be used on the application. This will also eliminate the complexity the online trade sector faces in monitoring payments in a range of currencies, and provide a user-friendly hub where consumers can obtain goods and services and businesses can expand their clientele. We are currently in the process of listing Argead on a number of exchanges and we will be updating our community as progress is made!


Coin: Argead
Ticker: AGD
Algorithm: Scrypt PoW
Total supply: 50,000,000 ARGEAD
Block halving: Every 1,250,000 blocks
Block target: 30 Seconds
Block reward: 10 ARGEAD
Premine : 10%
RCP port: 44827
Target time span: 5 minutes
Transaction confirmations: 6
ICO: None – fair launch


Website: 502 Bad Gateway (https://argead.network)
Source Code: GitHub - ArgeadNetwork/Argead: Argead Network (https://github.com/ArgeadNetwork/Argead.git)
Windows Wallet: argead-qt.exe - Google Drive (https://drive.google.com/file/d/12r3TXeptLU5c8fBkCUeQrgBBHuyejR1F/view?usp=sharing)
Whitepaper: 502 Bad Gateway (https://www.argead.network/_files/ugd/2fe603_fafeb010a92d439eab2967d49a6b1224.pdf)

Social media

Twitter: Argead (@Argeadnetwork) | Twitter (https://twitter.com/argeadnetwork)
Instagram: https://instagram.com/argeadnetwork
Reddit: argead (https://reddit.com/r/argead)
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @argeadnetwork (https://t.me/argeadnetwork)
Github: ArgeadNetwork · GitHub (https://github.com/ArgeadNetwork)
Bitcointalk: [ANN] [AGD] [ARGEAD] Yesterday's Cash, Tomorrow's Crypto (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5392090.0)
Email: info@argead.network

If you have any questions, please respond on this thread or email: info@argead.network