View Full Version : Decentralized Exchange with super low fee

2019-11-30, 08:00 AM
The Community Stakes Decentralized Exchange, or CSDEX is available now to serve the crypto community. If you are crypto traders, CSDEX brings you a more convenient experience in buying and selling ERC20 tokens. like other Decentralized Exchanges, no registration is required. In addition, CSDEX offers a super low fee: only 0.025% for makers and 0.075% for takers.

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-yDehkMgBAqM/XeHa3W9U1dI/AAAAAAAAFtA/LzA57tBDFCQb5UZO2X9zgsIPmp7J1V5qgCLcBGAsYHQ/s640/Screenshot_1.jpg (https://csdex.site)

There is also a starting video that may help: https://youtu.be/0xdRb3PCY_g

If you are ICO/IEO/ERC20 token owner and looking for simple and transparent way to list your token, CSDEX is your choice.

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Fn7uGdQuPNI/XeHbC35rVuI/AAAAAAAAFtE/1l5n3BfDqFoi99uBVWYpS5cwS09qKYebwCLcBGAsYHQ/s640/Screenshot_2.jpg (https://csdex.site)

CSDEX official website is https://csdex.site or enter you could directly trade at https://trade.csdex.site