View Full Version : HEX. The first high interest blockchain certificate of deposit. FREE for Bitcoin

2020-04-24, 12:07 AM
https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IcXNpjvm3sk/XqMppUNV-xI/AAAAAAAAGmg/4jpEAGLDnFMj7feGFL4tjmnydcdQrT0wgCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/Joinhex.png (https://join-hex.com/)

A Guide to HEX
HEX is the first cryptocurrency that serves as a high-interest certificate of deposit, also known as CDs or Time Deposits. CDs are worth even more than gold and credit card companies. Over the short life of HEX, it has already risen in value to a market cap of over 200 million dollars and outperformed Bitcoin over 30x.

Take back control from the banks
The main advantage of HEX over existing cryptocurrencies is that it is possible to earn interest on holdings without having to entrust the currency to a third-party. Given the significant number of thefts and other trust problems that have emerged around other cryptocurrencies, it is no wonder that there is considerable market demand for a cryptocurrency that allows investors to enjoy high levels of interest without having to transfer the value of their holdings to a third-party. HEX also has its own decentralized exchange at hexdex.win.

The system works with the same principle as the certificate of deposit that lies behind a standard checking account. HEX is an opportunity to step away from all the fees and pain that come from using a regular bank. As the more physical currency is printed, the value of the currency that is already in circulation drops, and banks do not pay enough in interest to make up for this decline in value. This means that ordinary savers and depositors lose out while banks line their pockets. HEX is a chance for the average consumer to take back control and break out of the conventional banking system where the odds have been stacked against them.

Staking early, long and big is better!
The earlier you stake your claim in HEX, the more you stand to gain. Getting in on the ground floor is the key to seeing the highest possible returns. But we are still very early. The longer you wait, the higher the value of HEX will have risen by the time you get involved. It's better to stake a small claim now and watch the value of your HEX grow, rather than wait and find yourself forced to stake a higher amount of money at a later date to climb on board with this project. Because a large part of the supply is staked, HEX has very low sell pressure and is likely to increase in price very fast.

How to get HEX?
There are currently 4 ways you can get HEX:
Claim for free using Bitcoin by verifying your balance using the sign function in your Bitcoin client.
Buy ETH and then transform ETH into HEX using the Adoption Amplifier.
Buy from hexdex.win or any other exchange.
Refer someone else.
Read more here: https://join-hex.com