View Full Version : Pull The Rug Finance

2020-11-10, 08:20 PM
Pull The Rug Finance (https://pulltherug.finance/)

https://i.postimg.cc/ZYpS9xL2/ql-XBVm1-8q-PN-ut-CLIOedcuc-Fo-HSm5-Ov8-Aiocc-BI-y-K311nv-Sjnc-VVamfj77-MM3-Ul-Hqv-RWz-A5uxe4lppt-QTP4q-KSJLj23-FEb-P2om.jpg (https://pulltherug.finance/)

Non Fungible Tokens have already proven and solidified their value and capabilities even in the short time they’ve been around. They have several different roles and provide a great deal of utility. Some are considered a collectible item and are valued by those who hold them and seek them out. Other NFTs are being utilized as legal documents and proof of ownership ledgers, although this form of utility is being developed. One such project which combines NFTs with staking/farming rewards is called PulltheRug.Finance.

https://i.postimg.cc/MKw81fPT/4ecd7097-5ec4-4a3e-ac21-f246f484c3e8.jpg (https://pulltherug.finance/)

PulltheRug.Finance (RUGZ), contract address 0xedfbd6c48c3ddff5612ade14b45bb19f916809ba, is an ERC20 token which aims to combine staking and NFTs in one ecosystem. RUGZ will utilize technology provided by Geyser.io to create a staking farm where you can stake your RUGZ to earn more RUGZ, on top of earning liquidity provider fees for providing liquidity. In addition, stakers will be able to utilize the GYSR token in order to boost your staking rewards. This liquidity pool will use RUGZ/ETH LP initially with a second pool (RUGZ/USDC LP) coming in the near future. Funding will be provided by the development fund with funds added to as needed.

RUGZ is working directly with another project called Noob.Finance to create and add their NFTs to the Noob Finance marketplace where you will be able to buy and sell RUGZ tokens and RUGZ NFTs. So far, the project has already created 5 NFTs which are shown below and are available for sale at this link. (https://opensea.io/assets/pull-the-rug-finance)

https://i.postimg.cc/NBRsLBJF/1-jlu-F5kx-Axl-HMX-rh8q-Uk-Vw.jpg (https://pulltherug.finance/)

RUGZ has a total supply of 10,000 tokens with the following distribution:

8,000 tokens via presale (sold out)
1,500 tokens for liquidity on Uniswap
500 tokens for contests and giveaways

No tokens were set aside for developers or the team working on the project, so no need to worry about a potential rug pull!
Liquidity was also locked via Unicrypt and can be viewed here. (https://browser.unicrypt.network/uniswap-browser/pair/0x305D8F027175786A1688ceb6b5D5C35d8385Be86)

It will be interesting to see how the ecosystem plays out while also seeing how much value can be brought to the NFTs created by the project. NFT art and collectibles are well sought after, so being early in the NFT space of crypto has luck on RUGZ side. Stay tuned for more information and join the community telegram! (https://t.me/ruglife)

Pertinent Links:

Website: https://pulltherug.finance/

Farm RUGZ here: https://app.gysr.io/geyser/0xF4AD8b25AE56C6b9dc7575370Fe97BfbC17d1Baf

Opensea (NFT marketplace): https://opensea.io/storefront/pulltherug-finance

Telegram announcements: https://t.me/pulltherugxVN

Community Telegram: https://t.me/ruglife

Snapshot dates: https://pulltherug.medium.com/a-list-of-notable-snapshot-dates-1c82c6d3c3b5

CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/rugz

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rugztoken?s=09

Medium: https://pulltherug.medium.com/

Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0xedfbd6c48c3ddff5612ade14b45bb19f916809ba?a=0x702 21c913f929bd69df4f56ae4833b07c12a0f29

https://i.postimg.cc/zJvYwrjn/screencapture-pulltherug-finance-2020-11-10-21-40-41.png (https://pulltherug.finance/)