View Full Version : Forex price action trading

Sharon Smith
2021-01-31, 09:21 PM
Traders use simple price action of the previous movement to analyze the market for predicting future movement. Traders don’t use any kind of indicator for this kind of analysis. Traders use the pattern or simple tools to analyze the market. Expert traders always say that simple is better in the analysis. Traders also need to know about price action properly. That’s why my broker Eurotrader offers free courses about price action.

Rajesh K
2023-04-01, 05:07 PM
To develop ths basics of price action trading, try to watch youtube videos. Start with a regulated broker. Eurotrader offers traders a free educational program adorned with video tutorials and e-books.

Principio Mazzanti
2023-04-08, 09:12 AM
Better trading chart knowledge is needed for price action trading. A better guess of the future market movement will give traders a better result. Eurotrader provides traders with a reliable trading platform, which is free from all technical errors.