GXG DeFi Bookmaker
and I-Gaming Platform
The GXG team will invest more than US$5 million in 6 months to develop the platform
and obtain traffic, and realize your dream together, start with us now!

What is GXG Token ?
The GXG token is a crypto-share based and issued on the BSC blockchain.
The token is a digital asset of gxgbet.com. GXG is the equity token of GXG Casino,
and holders of GXG tokens can continue to receive rewards from the mining pool.

The tokens are automatically awarded to all the players for every bet made on gxgbet.com.
This process of obtaining tokens through betting is called MINING.
The token is credited automatically to the player’s account in real-time.
The result of the bet made does not affect the possibility of token mining,
the player receives GXG tokens in any case.

The gambling industry is growing every second – Due to this hype, the number of gambling sites is also growing.
But the sad truth is that there’s not much difference between them. Bookmakers offer the same gaming content.
They invest a lot of money in ads, but not in the players.
The market is practically monopolized by big players.
It looks like it’s almost impossible to offer something new and unique.

GXG has found the ultimate solution! We have tokenized our company.
Our unique token is a crypto share. By playing on our site, players automatically become shareholders of our company.
As shareholders, they receive a constant and daily income in GXG cryptocurrency.
We finally decided to distribute 65% of the casino’s net profit to the players.

Introducing GXG Usercenter
First of we release our major update with usercenter design which is most important part of GXG Token Sales management.
It allows to manage whole process of tokens sales.

Token Economics
Our initial coin offering will run till softcap reached.
Full details of the ICO can be found within the platform.

Bonus Details

More info

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Twitter: GXG Token (@gxgtoken) | Twitter
Discord: GXGToken
Reddit: gxgtoken (u/gxgtoken) - Reddit
Medium: https://medium.com/@gxgtoken
Github: gxg-token (GXG Token) · GitHub