ADD.XYZ is the former PlutusDefi -- all-in-one DeFi aggregator
Backed by large investors such as Changelly, Bitcoin,com, SMC Capital, NGC Ventures, Torchlight Ventures and others.
Just had a successful token swap, team is solid (unlike for example PAID Network)

Released BL3ND3R, a privacy mixer similar to except a lot cheaper (cheapest on the market right now)
Lending platform fully functional
Mobile App about to get released
Staking about to get launched

Multiple CEXs supported the swap. Trading will continue shortly (Poloniex, MXC, Hoo, Hotbit and others)

Aims to bring crypto to Africa with mobile money platform. Already has started development
Clear roadmap ( Airtable - Grid 2 ) with a lot of items being completed well ahead of schedule

Audited by Peckshield
CEO featured in a Netflix documentary
Big news incoming according to official TG. This will be announced once CEXs have fully finished the swap on their end
Strong focus on Asia as well, with Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese communities on TG/WeChat
New (!) CoinGecko listing incoming in the next day or so

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Where to get? Uniswap: Uniswap Info
