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  1. Uber: Reinventing How You Use Taxis

    Till Uber happened, we all had to await our favourite taxi. And it did take a while before we could capture one.
    Uber-connected millions of customers looking for a timely cab with a large number of willing cab drivers, making trips available quickly and easily, at better prices. And as the taxi business grasped how things were changing, entrepreneurs started looking at having their own taxi cab app, for their taxi business.
    This particular gave rise to such a wave of similar apps or ...
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  2. Countdown to Profits Scam !!

    • Name: Countdown to Profits
    • Website:
    • Creator: Richard Paul
    • Price: $97 (+ upsells)
    • Rating: 1/10 (Pretty obvious scam in my opinion. The only reason I gave it a 1 is because I haven’t purchased it to do a complete review, and my reason for that is because its an obvious scam)

    I really hope you are taking the time to do ...
  3. PokeMoney Review – Is A SCAM!

    PokeMoney is such a lie. They make big promises with your returns on investment, but don’t trust them. In this PokeMoney review I’ll be going over a few things to show you that this place is nothing more than a scam.

    Lets first take a look at these outrageous profits they claim you will make.

    Click Here To Learn How I Make Money Online

    The Profits They Claim Are Impossible

    They promise a fixed return percentage for all ...
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