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Bitxy brings blockchain and other decentralization solutions to organizations around the world. Decentralization and cryptocurrencies have profoundly changed the way organizations and industry work. Our interdisciplinary team facilitates the decentralization process and provides the products and services that each organization needs.

Investment Plans: 200% after 100 hours
Principal Return: At the end
Charging: Calendar days

Referral Commission:
6%, 2%

Payment Processors:

Minimum Deposit:
0.0001 BTC

Strong DDoS protection | SSL encryption | Unique design | Online chat

Our deposit:
BTC amount: +0.00129300 BTC
Hash: ca8167a8e6120bcd275057d100988716b3c17ee7fadafffe63 aba57192bed102
Date: 2022-03-15 08:13

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