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Title: Unveiling the Future of Trading: TradeSta's Non-Custodial ERC20 Token Swap

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TradeSta is set to revolutionize the trading landscape with its innovative Swap module. This non-custodial ERC20 token swap feature is designed to empower users and enhance the trading experience like never before.

The Swap module operates in two distinct phases, each playing a crucial role in the seamless transfer of assets:

1. User Wallet to TradeSta's Beneficiary Wallet: In this phase, users can securely transfer their tokens from their personal wallets to TradeSta's designated beneficiary wallet. This process ensures a smooth transition of assets, setting the stage for efficient trading.

2. Treasury Wallet to User Wallet: The second phase involves the transfer of tokens from TradeSta's treasury wallet directly to the user's wallet. This direct transfer mechanism enhances transparency and simplifies the trading process for users.

With these two pivotal phases, TradeSta's Swap module offers a secure and efficient way for users to engage in ERC20 token swaps without compromising on custody or control.

Get ready to experience a new era of trading with TradeSta's non-custodial ERC20 token swap feature. Stay tuned for the launch and elevate your trading game like never before!

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  1. Voudah's Avatar
    Amazing 👏, can't wait for it too launch
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