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Stack up your $sta tokens 💰💰

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Exciting news for crypto enthusiasts: the TradeSta waitlist is still open! This is your chance to be among the first to experience TradeSta’s groundbreaking Swap module, set to launch soon.

When you sign up for the waitlist, you’ll receive a unique referral link to share with friends and on social media. TradeSta rewards you for bringing new members to the waitlist with a simple and lucrative referral program.

Referral Program Rewards:

Ambassadors: For every verified referral, you’ll earn 1 STA token, valued at $0.02 at IEO. Ambassadors need to make between 1 and 49 referrals.

TradeStars: With 50-99 referrals, you earn 5 STA tokens per verified referral. Plus, you’ll be entered into a draw to win one of five hardware wallets at launch.

SuperTradeStars: Make 100+ referrals to earn 10 STA tokens per verified referral, enter the hardware wallet draw, and have a chance to win $1000 in STA tokens at launch.

Per Verified Referral Earning: You get STA tokens for each verified referral, with the number of tokens increasing as you move up the referral tiers.

Hardware Wallet Draw: TradeStars and SuperTradeStars are entered into a draw to win one of five hardware wallets, ensuring your assets stay safe.

$1000 STA Draw: SuperTradeStars will also be entered into a draw to win $1000 worth of STA tokens at launch.

How to Get Involved:

Joining the waitlist is simple. Sign up, get your referral link, and start sharing it. Make sure to verify your email address, and encourage your referrals to do the same.
Additionally, join our Telegram community ( )to stay engaged.

Legal Requirements:
Participants and their referrals must be over 18 and have verified their email addresses.

Want to stack up $STA’s? Join the waitlist now at ( ) and start earning rewards!

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Updated 2024-06-25 at 12:36 PM by Voudah

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