About CoinBuck

Leading the Bull Market with BUCK Token in SocialFi and TaskFi

CoinBuck is at the forefront of the current bull market, innovatively blending SocialFi and TaskFi. CoinBuck is reshaping the social media landscape by empowering users and redistributing wealth.

By integrating Web 3.0 with blockchain technology, we are revolutionising user engagement and rewarding activities across various platforms with our native BUCK token Our mission is to democratise digital wealth and foster a knowledgeable active community for advertisers, CoinBuck offers a unique edge Our platform harnesses the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance advertising strategies.

Al boosts efficiency, precision, and effectiveness, revolutionising various aspects of advertising campaigns. This integration of Al means advertisers can expect more targeted, impactful, and successful marketing efforts.

You are putting in all the hard work and engagement while the Social Media Giants are pocketing Billions

CoinBuck empowers you to share the wealth and puts cash back in your pocket. Your actions directly translate to cash in your hands

Boost your Profile and unlock your potential as an Influencer
Elevate your profile by growing your following with coinBuck. Gain access to more lucrative opportunities and higher-earning tasks and build your online presence by connecting your various social networks, beginning with expanding your Twitter followers. Purchase tailor-made packages curated using Al.

Vesting Programs At CoinBuck
Claim Your Tokens Regularly: You can claim 50% tokens every 72 hours for your Airdrop and Referrals. You need to complete your KYC and mandatory tasks.
You can claim your referral bonuses after your referee completes their KYC .
Your tokens will be safe and in our custody if you completed the KYC. However, if you have not completed the task and KYC, then tokens will be distributed to the new Active users.