
Global Instant Payment

DCPAY is a public blockchain tool for global instant payment.
Its decentralized wallet supports purchasing cryptocurrencies with fiat in more than 160 countries
and selling cryptocurrencies to bank cards, swaps, etc

Presale DCP native coins are from DCpay smart chain

1st Phase 1/2 (18 June to 18 July) = $0.08
Total supply 200 million DCP coins
Ist Phase 2/2 (18 July to 18 Aug) = $0.15
Total supply 100 million DCP coins
2nd Phase (18 Aug to 18 Sep) = $0.25
Total supply 300 milion DCP coins
3rd Phase (19 Sep to 18 Oct) = $0.45
Total supply 300 millio DCP coins

Website: DCPay

Twitter: x.com

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @dcpaywallet