Unity Network

Hidden crypto project with mass potential!

Creator of

SandyAssist.ai & EveCom

Unity Network is dedicated to providing high-quality, user-centric software solutions that rival those offered by industry giants.
They have already two projects evecom.io and sandyassist.ai

Delivering high-end, secure and easy-to-use software with a layer of web3 in DeFi and Blockchain tech.

Our mission:
Unity Network empowers users of all backgrounds, and levels of technical ability to take advantage of this new generation of financial technology through education, strategic partnerships, and a design philosophy that revolves around ease of use, clarity, and a top-notch user experience.

As blockchain technology rapidly becomes more integrated with our financial lives, we believe no one should be left behind.

Our story:
Unity Network is a next-generation fintech company. We leverage blockchain technology to build fast, easy-to-use decentralized applications (dApps). But are we just another fintech company creating websites and dApps?
We aren’t.

Unity Network offers access to our dApps in return for a fee and aims to develop innovative and scalable approaches to solving any use case.

The traditional ticketing system lacks imagination and transparency.
*EveCom.io is changing that with its integrated web3 technology and user-centric design philosophy. You got the power to fully create, sell and manage your own events through our advanced event management dashboard.

Website: Unity Network - Discover The Power Of Innovation