As part of our mission at*Nature Science Group, we’d like to educate the crowd so that misleading information and thus fallacies about cannabis wouldn’t create further confusion and a barrier for potential customers in experiencing the positive effects of products extracted from this wonderful plant.
How To Take*Nature Science CBD Oil*To Sleep (PT1)
How*Nature Science Absolute CBD OIL*or*Nature Science ANMA CBD OIL*can be allies to regulate our Endocannabinoid System and help us achieve a restful sleep.
Cannabinoids*are substrates that are increasingly present in clinical practice.*CBD*is, along with*THC, one of the two main phytocannabinoids in cannabis (there are more than 120), this being non-psychotropic, unlike THC. In the report of the Expert Committee on Drug Dependence of the*World Health Organization (WHO), they describe that CBD has not shown significant adverse effects or dependence potential and has great therapeutic potential.
We will focus on sleep, a fundamental element for health and well-being given its function of metabolic and mood regulation as well as cognitive performance. Today, sleep disorders are the number one reported complaint in the United States, and it is a serious public health problem. Sleep disorders are a reason for consultation in general practice and in psychiatry. More than 50% of patients in general practice complain of insomnia when asked about their sleep patterns. Sleeping well is not only important because of daily mental and physical fatigue but because it can have great long-term consequences. Sleep deprivation can be related to alterations in:
* The immune system
* Infectious diseases
* The cardiovascular system
* Artery hypertension
* Type 2 diabetes
* Strokes
* Arrhythmias
* Obesity: according to NIH studies, due to the hypothalamic alteration that affects the regulating center of appetite and energy expenditure.
* Neurodegenerative diseases: it is being studied as a diagnostic marker for Parkinson's disease.
* Psychiatric illnesses: depression, anxiety, manic and psychotic episodes.
In addition, certain pathologies have a higher risk (75-95%) of suffering from sleep problems.
Among them, we find:

* Respiration problems
* Gastrointestinal reflux
* Chronic pain
* Neurodegenerative diseases
There are multiple sleep disorders, each affecting a specific time and structure, the most characteristic being:
* Insomnia disorder
* Sleep behavior disorder with rapid eye movements
* Restless Leg Syndrome
* Hypersomnolence disorder
* Narcolepsy
* Sleep disorders related to breathing.
In all of them, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is altered, thus affecting its ability to regulate the sleep-wake cycle.
As a general rule, it is recommended to sleep between 7 and 8 hours, knowing that according to each stage of development the values may vary. Basically, it is important to pay attention and modify, if necessary, all those behaviors that harm us when it comes to sleeping well. This can be achieved by avoiding a number of patterns such as:

* Naps of more than 2 hours
* Irregular hours when going to bed and getting up
* Tobacco, alcohol, caffeine 4h before going to sleep
* Stimulating activity (Ex: sports, television, use of mobile) before going to sleep
* Use the bed for everything that is not sleep
* Waking periods in bed (plus 30 minutes)
When all these behaviors have been corrected, if our problems continue, it would be time to think about taking something extra. Normally, the drugs recommended for sleep disorders are the so-called hypnotics, among which are: benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepine sleep inducers. In addition, antidepressants may be recommended based on the individual's sleep profile. As is well known, hypnotics are not recommended for long periods of time due to their potential adverse effects, which considerably complicates treatment since they are often prescribed for chronic problems.
It is for this reason that*Nature Science ANMA CBD OIL*or*Nature Science Absolute CBD OIL*oil can be a very interesting option to complement our treatment and improve our quality and duration of sleep.
To be continued in part 2

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