Arkania, the multi chain token launchpad that let’s any upcoming project connect with potential users,
investors and enthusiasts, is proud to announce that it is proceeding with
the public sale of its native ANIA token.

In a world where anyone can now create their own tokens and link to a project, it is becoming increasingly
difficult to determine if a project is worth investing in. Arkania Protocol is the perfect solution to this.
The platform has been designed to solve two crucial issues faced by the industry today.

First, it takes a jab at project authenticity and viability. With a detailed checklist,
it goes through the different technical and financial planning, projections and security of applicant projects.
Arkania lists projects only when all aspects are satisfactory.
The second issues is resolving difficulties faced by investors and early adopters,
who want to get in on the action, but cannot due to tough KYC or whitelisting requirements, confusion on how to commit tokens etc..
The process is made simple so that anyone can find their favorite project and take part in the token sales.

And this is where ANIA comes in. With thousands of tokens in the market, it is not feasible to accept all tokens by projects.
This is why we decided to create a single standard token
that all, investors, enthusiasts and project teams can accept as a means of payment.
ANIA, our native BEP20 token has been designed to make this easy. Today,
we are proud to announce that ANIA token sale is all set to launch.

A deflationary token, ANIA is minted at a maximum supply of 100 million.
The tokens are distributed in different heads to ensure all areas of operations are covered.
This includes setting aside 41 million ANIA for our public sale.
The tokens will be available for a discounted price of $0.04 per ANIA.
Participants can buy ANIA at a minimum commitment of $1,000 and go as high as $5,000.

Each tier requires a 10 day hold before the tokens can be traded in the market.
This is to prevent any mass selloff that might trigger a cascading price slippage.

Token name: Arkania

Symbol: ANIA

Total supply: 100 000 000 ANIA

Public sale: 41 000 000 ANIA

Public sale price: $0.04

DEX listing price: $0.045

Initial market cap: $4 000 000

Interested in our ANIA public sales?
Head over to our guide on how to get whitelisted
Arkania Launchpad

Website: Arkania Protocol - Arkania Protocol
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @arkaniaio
Twitter: Arkania Protocol (@Arkania_io) | Twitter
Gitbook: Quick introduction - Arkania Protocol