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Preservation of forests for future generations.
Forests play an important role in storing carbon on the planet. However, when forests are cleared for agriculture and other activities, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This leads to climate change. Our vision is the creation of a platform that gives people, token holders and future generations the opportunity to promote protection of our forests and create a more sustainable way of living.

Many of us are not aware how bad our habits are hurting our planet.

Unite blockchain technology with a sustainable way of life.

We believe that we must ensure that new technology minimizes or eliminates actions that negatively impact our planet. We must take action to mitigate climate change, as the planet cannot sustainably exist with it.

To accomplish our goals, Project Magnolia will join the Crypto Climate Accord, and is committed to help, inspire, and create new solutions to achieve the goal of powering crypto with 100% renewable energy by 2030. We see it not only as our mission but also our duty to create a climate friendly environment in the crypto and blockchain industry

Project Magnolia was created to give people, token holders and future generations the opportunity to promote protection of our forests and create a more sustainable way of living. With every transaction a percentage will be donated to plant trees.

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