N3 Coin Overview 🔥🔥

Operating with a minimum 2x value compared to the issuance price of 100 won, N3 Coin's circulation is fueled by the revenue generated from three integral projects within the N3 ecosystem, ensuring a sustained minimum price.

Limited to an initial circulation of 20 million N3 coins.

Mining of N3 Coin is compensated based on commission revenue, guaranteeing the preservation of the principal amount.

Airdrop rewards are linked to the commission utilized, and the commission is set aside for future withdrawals. In the event of critical issues leading to project discontinuation, the entire principal in the commission wallet will be returned. When selling N3, the purchase is determined based on the principal, operating to secure the amount utilized in fees.

Easily mine N3 through self-trading with just one account, requiring only two trading coins. Unlimited mining is available until November 18th, after which a daily limit of $20 for mining is imposed.

As a decentralized exchange, assets are securely held in a personal wallet, eliminating concerns about exchange scams. Holding N3 qualifies you for a continuous dividend of asset management profits from the three associated projects.

** Principal Guarantee / Minimum 2x Profit / Continuous Profit Payments for Holding Without Selling 💸💸

N3 ecosystem:

N3 Partners:

N3 Ecosystem FAQ: