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STARTED : Jun 18 , 2016

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Payment Systems : PerfectMoney - Payeer - Bitcoin

Referral : 10%

Withdrawal Type : Manual

3% Daily for Lifetime

What do we do?

Choosing our World.
Let us share with you a little known fact. The world is actually fair, it is just unbiased. The world gives equal opportunity to everyone. Anything your mind is focused on, inevitably becomes your reality. Your dominant thoughts will be fulfilled, positive or negative, whether you like it or not. The results of your life depend on your thoughts, the decisions you make, and how you react to what happens to you.

This is the basic concept of Lara Global Community. The concept of a "fulfilling" world and a "beneficial" reality. How does this differ from others? It is a greater and better world for everyone who embraces it.

It is easier to blame the world for our failures, isn't it? It is easier to blame government, corporations, banking system, worldwide conspiracy. But what good will that serve you? When we blame, we give up the right to make things better

Almost always, the ones on top deserve it. The separation between rich and poor will grow bigger. But the only thing that can close the gap is knowledge. What is the difference between a happy, rich and successful person versus a broken, poor, and hopeless one? Each one started racing in this world from the same point. We all have a body, a brain to think our own thoughts, and 24 hours in a day. So, what is the difference?

World outlook. Ideology. Interpretation.
Both rich and poor people live in the same places, but their worlds differ dramatically. Both happy people and sufferers breathe the same air, but energy drives the happy, not the suffering. If their destiny was foretold, there would be no exceptions. But there are. There is nothing impossible and the worst situations can turn out to be the most beneficial ones.

Everyone has heard of the law of attractions. Like attracts Like. A greedy person rarely attracts wealth because of their lack mindset. Whether you think it is his fault or not, we all have control over one thing. Our Thoughts. The universe doesn't see right or wrong. If you are in a pattern of failure, you will remain there until you break the cycle.

What does this have to do with the Lara system? Why is this concept so important for the community here? Lara is the instrument of wealth and financial independence for new generation. A generation willing to make mistakes, stop looking to someone else for instruction, and start creating for themselves.
A generation ready for personal evolution, not revolting, or overthrowing anyone, but ready to create and innovate. Creation that won't take away your identity, but on the contrary, make you search for your own true path. What is it that your soul seeks? Where is your mind focused? Will they walk together or break apart? Only you can decide.

Larawith.me is a technology, uniting all the most effective ways of generating funds, which lets all platform members increase their income without having to study investing, cheat, be greedy, or get taken advantage of by schemes. Will Lara change the world? Sure, but only if we have the support of our community and transfer our passion and vision to you! The poor will always be among us. Happiness and harmony will always be impossible for EVERYONE. But personal harmony and happiness can exist for ANYONE. That Includes YOU!

Using state of the art technology in finance, which is known as "Fintech", top tier security, and data protection, we have created an investing platform that will pave the way to a better future with innovation, combining the experience of how things have been done with new technology allowing more people than ever before to build wealth.

Why do we do this?
To help. To lead. To teach.
If we accept the fact that everyone has an equal opportunity; then what shall we those who fail? Our world is full of people, who need help. Our biggest responsibility is to spread awareness on these possibilities. Not to ignore or just support him. But as the bible says "give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime" We have to enable people to create the life they wish for themselves.

"The rich does not pay for a poor man's lunch, he establishes a school" "True impact cannot be built only on the want of money. But genuinely helping and serving people are signs of a great entrepreneur.

Our main mission is not only to improve our own lives, but to supply others with the means to improve their own. The one who are ready will come. The one who want help will ask for and receive it. We are the people of revival, we can do anything. Being able to freely access the world wide web, we can study everywhere, connect, create wealth and generate unbelievable resources.

How do we do that?
Technologies. Communication. Protection.
If you haven't done well up until this time, the great news is you can start today. But you have to START. There is no sense to wait for future. We must create it. We must always be developing and improving our skills, connecting with others, sharing and building off of ideas.

There is no sense to hold for future. We will always keep on developing and improving of the instruments of gaining, social integration and protection of the personal data.

Everything that you need is simple, everything that is not simple you do not need". That is what Mikhail Kalashnikov, who invented the best automatic rifle in the world, the AK-47, said. We also stand for clarity and simplicity. The instrument of passive income and financial independence should not distract you from your personal life. It must be clear and understandable to everyone, no matter what nationality, residence or religion. The core of genius is simplicity. Lara has one mission, one investment plan, available on any device, instant availability of funds, daily, without time limits or restrictions

If you are interested in network anonymity, it does not mean that you have things to hide. Internet anonymity is one of the most important instruments available, which lets people express their opinion freely, it unites people, and it builds the confidence of one's financial and social privacy. Did you know that now information technologies can build a wall, where governmental services can not reach, where you can stay yourself without putting black masks on? Due to crypto currency and encrypted communication on Telegram platform, it is available for every investor for free on Larawith.me

There is nothing more important than the safety of a person's data, his ability to interact with others, and his financial security. We work with the most secure technologies of cryptography, our community is hosted on and based off of the world's safest application for communicating- telegram.org. No one has access to the data, accounts, or funds of the Lara Global Community members, except the team here at Lara. We aim to provide a clear and powerful method to generate stable income, and want to assure you of our full security and support.

What's next?
Unity. Freedom. Path.
Now, after these concepts are understood, you have to answer yourself. Do you need it? Not a financial instrument, or even money itself.... Do you need freedom? If we weren't destined to be free, we wouldn't have the amazing ability to have full control over our thoughts and what we create. What would you do with your time if you didn't have to ever think or worry about money again?

Let's imagine for a second that your funds are unlimited. What will you do? Buy a new car, yacht, villa, island... What's next? What's next? The answer to that question is where you find your true passion in life.

Don't answer us. Answer yourself. Listen to how the soul responds to your desires. In order to reach true freedom your heart and mind have to be in harmony. If you are searching for your path, Lara can help you, untying your hands and breaking financial chains.

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