$SAFEMOON - did you miss FEG? This might be your second chance!
New coin/token

Simple yet POWERFUL Tokenomics!


♻️5% of all trades are redistributed to holders 🔓5% of all trades are auto-locked inside liquidity provider on PancakeSwap

⚠️Set slippage to 11%⚠️

Tentative To-do list (ongoing):

🤍 = to-do 💛 = in progress 💚 = completed

💚 - Contract launched 💚 - Initial Website Design 💚 - Presale on DxSale 💚 - Presale concluded 💚 - Liquidity locked for 4 years 💚 - Website updated 💛 - Marketing 💛 - CoinMarket Cap listing 💛 - Coingecko listing 🤍 - NFT derivative conceptualization 🤍 - NFT contest and giveaway 🤍 - Listing on other Exchanges

Buy $SAFEMOON on pancakeswap here: Pancake Swap

Token Contract - 0x8076c74c5e3f5852037f31ff0093eeb8c8add8d3

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @safemoonV2
Website: SafeMoon – SafeMoon Finance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/safemoon
Medium: https://safemoon.medium.com/
Charts: Goswapp

Verified Contract on BSC: https://bscscan.com/address/0x8076c7...8c8add8d3#code

Burned Dev Tokens: https://bscscan.com/tx/0xc44aa170d66...8cf6b6c063d774

Liquidity locked for 4 years:
DxSale - Token Management Made Simple

This is super early with ~150 holders right now. Could be a real gem like FEG Token was. Tokenomics are powerful and DEV tokens are burnt so everyone is in the same boat. Did i even mention DXSale?!

Launched in DXSale. (Dyor before coming over with fud)