A Bigfoot Sized Yield Farming Exchange on the Binance Smart Chain Yeti Exchange is ready to make its appearance soon on the market.

Yeti Exchange is a decentralized exchange platform. It is also a DeFi platform where clients can stake their liquidity to earn Yeti tokens leveraging Pancakeswap’s infrastructure on the Binance Smart Chain. Yeti Exchange is the next generation yield farming on the Binance Smart Chain. Yeti Exchange gives you the biggest opportunity to earn by providing liquidity to the exchange, by staking tokens and earning rewards in $YETI Token.

Technology and Ecosystem at Yeti Exchange:

Yeti Exchange is endeavouring to upkeep the powerful speed of the NFT space and the ecosystem of decentralized finance and the DeFi technology, thus opening new roads for the community to partake as harbingers in the developing environment effectively. Yeti Exchange will help the always expanding decentralized world where people, group, and individuals can stake their liquidity to earn $Yeti Tokens leveraging Pancakeswap’s infrastructure on the Binance Smart Chain. The ecosystem of Yeti Exchange is based on inter decentralized trades, in built Binance Smart Chain, decentralized application integration and trading platforms for multiple derivatives.

Essential Features of Yeti Exchange:

Liquidity Pools
Yield Farming
$YETI Token
NFT Marketplace (coming soon)
Referral Program (coming soon)
Fully transparent price calculations
Building on multi-chain with low latency
In-built Binance Smart Chain
Rewards liquidity providers
User-friendly interface for better experience
Low slippage trades
Tokenized and Transferrable

$YETI Token by Yeti Exchange:

The $YETI Token is a very fundamental part of the Yeti Exchange ecosystem. It provides various benefits to its holders such as fee reduction, exclusive features, and many more. Yeti Exchange has its native platform token known as $YETI, which offers its user the facilities of governance, voting for curations and token reward for its buyers and sellers when they stake their liquidity. The $YETI Token utility offers staking through which users can earn higher yields. It offers referral bonuses as well. Proper governance and reward for token curators are also the main part of the token utility. The $YETI Token awards holders authority over the whole network, and an identical appropriation of organization incomes comparative with their token holdings.

Purchasing Unique NFTs at Yeti Exchange:

The use cases for NFTs are expanding its horizon day by day and it is here to stay. While some auctions are prevalent ways of trading NFTs, they still lack the efficiency of trading as “open order book based bids” that makes NFTs non-fungible. The element of time also is a limitation for auctions. The creators have to land on the highest bid in a certain time period or they have to anticipate till a bidder comes and match their requirements.

Yeti Exchange offers users an opportunity to partake in their own NFT marketplace as well. The users can buy unique NFTs on the Yeti Exchange’s own marketplace for NFTs. It is one of the easiest and safest ways to buy NFTs.

Yeti Exchange is on its way to revolutionize the world of Decentralized Finance, DeFi Technology and NFT marketplace. It is indeed a Bigfoot sized yield farming exchange on the Binance Smart Chain created for the betterment of the world.

Follow Yeti Exchange:
Website: Yeti Coming Soon
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExchangeYeti
Telegram Group: Telegram: Contact @yetiexchangepublic
Medium: https://yetiexchange.medium.com/