Birdchain has built an incentivized app that revolves around an easy-to-use, high engagement,
marketing & content platform where users engage with content and get rewarded.

First, the Birdchain app is a mobile application that allows users to complete tasks,
play games and get rewarded in BIRD tokens.

Get started by installing Birdchain app through this link

Second, the Birdchain ads platform is a content platform that allows advertisers run highly effective ad campaigns
that reaches their target audience mobile devices.

For more details on running an ad campaign, follow the instructions here

#Birdchain #Ad Platform

Third, Birdchain is a growing company and is currently working to expand its business operations
into decentralised finance (Defi) and a Swap feature.

It's probably the right you get BIRD tokens on pancakeswap and HODL them for the future

Use this direct link for swap


With our 24hr/7 support, you can always reach out to us anytime you need help. Use the live chat on the Birdchain website or email us here: