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Thread: ESR DApp to launch on High Performance Blockchain (HPB) very soon

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    Default ESR DApp to launch on High Performance Blockchain (HPB) very soon

    High Performance Blockchain (HPB) Crypto - ESR
    Watch the video here

    ESR is something completely new. It's not DeFi, it's not NFT. It's not IOT. It's something different, and it solves a real-world problem. It is only possible on the HPB blockchain due to the super-fast tps, ultra-low gas fees and on-chain provable hardware random number generator that High Performance blockchain offers.

    ESR caters to a target audience of around 200m people worldwide, and that number grows every day. ESR caters to an entirely new audience outside of blockchain, many of who will have never owned a single crypto in their lives. Because ESR is exclusive to HPB, many new users will seek to purchase HPB coin as their very first crypto. High Performance Blockchain (HPB) is an advanced blockchain with associated HPB crypto coin. The HPB main-net runs at over 5000+ transactions per second (compared to Ethereum at 15 transactions per second). HPB has average gas fees of $0.001 per transaction (compared to Ethereum gas fees on average of $9.32 per transaction). HPB also has an on-chain hardware-based provable Random Number Generator (HRNG) so unlike Ethereum it doesn't require an off-chain "oracle" service such as Oraclize or VRF. HPB is basically Eth 2.0 and it's here working, and ready to use

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    Last edited by Nsatsdja; 2021-03-14 at 11:23 PM.

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