Rootbeer Float is a Multi chain farmer on BNB/MATIC and FTM networks.

Users deposit there currency of choice using a friends referral link or fresh.
There is a 5% tax on entry witch is split up and put back in to the contracts and used to invest to bring more traffic to the project.
5% is also taken when you withdrawal and the same is applied.

The goal is to get more people to use your code so you earn your initial investment faster then the 8% daily!

We will be updating the UI and introducing new tokens/chains to the Float shop soon as well to keep growing.
Unlock other farms we wont be rug and run. We also have a huge DAO and nft partnership coming up soon.

Website : RootBeer Float Shop
Info : About -

Tg: Telegram: Contact @Rbeerfloat
Discord : Root Beer Float - DeFi Farm